Friday March 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm CDT
This class builds off of a base knowledge of play piercing to expand application of basic techniques in creative, unusual, and sadistic ways. This class is largely demonstrational with explanations of anatomical reactions, tips for creating pecific reactions, and technical knowledge sharing taking place as we walk through showing these skills in real time. While experience is not needed to enjoy or squirm at demonstrations, this a 201 class and does not cover basic safety protocols. Safety considerations unique to the demonstrations will be discussed. We will cover nerve stimulation techniques and effective methods for guiding participants in and out of headspace/needle high. The exact nature of the demonstrations will vary depending on available bottoms and may include suturing, hand needles, and saline inflation.
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Derek has been immersed in the BDSM and Leather lifestyle for 16 years, originating in Denver. He’s honed skills as a needle top and developed a taste for particularly sadistic scenes. In addition to his duties for HECK, he’s deeply involved in his community hosting monthly leather... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm CDT
Longhorn 3

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