Sunday March 23, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm CDT
Bastinado is the delightful and sadistic torture of one of the most vulnerable parts of our bodies…our feet! Through the use of canes and regular household implements, a top can set fire to their bottom in ways they will remember with every step they take. We will look at the history of bastinado and its uses through time and look at how it has evolved into a fun and enjoyable kink. Lastly, we will cover in a live demo, the tools, and tricks to make bastinado a memorable time for everyone.
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Sir Teryn

Sir Teryn  is a Queer, non-binary, homoflexible, genderfluid butch whose pronouns are whatever you want. Service is not only one of Sir Teryn's love languages, it is also part of their spiritual calling. For them, there is no greater honor than to serve their community, and in turn... Read More →
Sunday March 23, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm CDT
Longhorn 3

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